Saturday, April 18, 2009


That is the sound that is currently blaring from a truck outside my window as it backs up. This and other incredibly annoying noises associated with construction sites have been plaguing me for weeks now.

My dorm is situated in the middle of a very short street that connects two main streets (think of an H). My window opens up to give a perfect view of one of these three-way intersections, and since it's getting quite warm out (and my AC seems to be broken), I have to keep said window open at all times or my room turns into a sauna.

But about three weeks ago, the large apartment building that stood on the other side of the main street in view of my window was demolished, and ever since then, swarms of construction workers have inhabited the area with beeping trucks and massive yellow construction vehicles that also beep and grind lumps of concrete.

They start working at 7 IN THE MORNING. ON SATURDAY.

Oddly enough, this is not the most annoying sound that's been grating on my nerves.

About a week ago, I was reading one of my video game history books when I began to hear this mangled yell being repeated over and over. It sounded like a person screaming/crying something, maybe a name or phrase, but assuming it was in Japanese, I couldn't understand and therefore tried to ignore it.

But it went on for FIFTEEN MINUTES at the same volume.

I have no idea how anyone can yell that loud for that long, but by god they did. So heat be damned, I closed my window and continued reading. But I could STILL hear it!

After about half an hour, whoever was yelling finally stopped, and I forgot about it.

But then it happened again the next day. And two days after that. And last night.

I whomever is yelling seems to be deranged or senile, it's probably one of the residents at the retirement home across the street. Hopefully one of the nurses will give the old codger some heavy meds so they shut up. Or kick the bucket. Whichever is quicker, I don't care, so long as my reading goes uninterrupted.

Heartless? Yes. Wrong? No.

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