Thursday, March 12, 2009

Prescription for Sleep

Hey everyone! I'm happy to announce that the application for the iPhone and iPod Touch I worked on is finally available for download. It's called Prescription for Sleep, and you can read about it here:

It's a really great program that helps relax your mind so you can fall asleep more easily. As the Quality Assurance Intern, it was my job to watch all the simulations multiple times to look for errors or bugs, and to play around with all the different features. It was fairly easy to test, but using a sleep-aid application for four hours is not easy to get through. It certainly had the intended effect on me: even with 7 cups of coffee, I was still yawning the whole time!

There is a free trial version on iTunes that you can check out before purchasing the full program for $2.99. Make sure to read the About page- my name is at the bottom!

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