Thursday, September 11, 2008

My room

As promised, here are some pics of my dorm room in Willing Setagaya.

Not only am I really happy about my room, but I really like the other students in my dorm. Everyone is very friendly and excited to be here. We have a wide range of Japanese experience, from absolute beginners with no previous study to those who seem fairly fluent already. I fall comfortably in the middle; I can function pretty well and get around, ask for directions, etc, but it helps to have some of the more fluent students around for things like buying cell phones.

Also, as far as I know, I am one of only two Americans in my dorm; the great majority of people here are European. So far, we have students from Britain, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and Austria. Canada, China, and Singapore are also represented. I've never had such a wonderful opportunity to meet people from foreign countries before, so I'm really excited.

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